Tuesday, January 27, 2015

Imbolc 2015

Imbolc holds such incredible promise. In BTW traditions (British Traditionalist Wicca like Gardnerian and Alexandrian traditions) Imbolc is seen as the stirring of the first seeds beneath the ground, even though the earth may be ice and snow covered and the air frigid. It's like the world is holding its breath in expectation, waiting for the long winter to pass. Underneath the snow and ice are the first, tiny crocus sprouts peeking hopefully out from under the snow with the promise of beautiful flowers in just one month. It is the perfect moment of stillness just before everything bursts into bloom. In that moment, anything is possible...anything.

The Celtic Fire Festival, Imbolc, celebrates winter's waning and the earliest stirrings of Spring. Even though it is still freezing in many areas, the buds are starting to swell and the sap to run. Baby lambs are born at this time and frolic delightfully across the hills. The days are finally starting to lengthen. It is a time for new beginnings, cleansing, initiation, and purification. It is a perfect time to plan out your new year and make a list of your goals. It is the best time for garden planning and at Bru Na Bhride (the magickal name of our home) we always plant our peas on February 1-2. This year, 2015, from 2:09 AM Saturday, January 31 until 8:37 AM Sunday morning, February 2 are good times to plant since the moon is in Cancer, a good sign for growth and planting.

Contrary to what you see on the Internet, Imbolc does not mean “in the belly.” The book, A Social History of Ancient Ireland: Treating of the Government, Military System, and Law ; Religion, Learning, and Art ; Trades, Industries, and Commerce ; Manners, Customs, and Domestic Life, of the Ancient Irish People, Volume 1, by Patrick Weston Joyce,published by Longmans, Green, and Company in 1903 in Ireland, has this to say about the origins of the name: “Errach or Spring began on the first of February. This day was called oimelc, imolg, or imbulc: the first form aimelc is given in Cormac’s Glossary (p. 127, åi”), where it is derived from åi, a sheep, and melc or melg, milk :åi-melg,’ ewe-milk,’ for that is the time the sheep’s milk comes.” That oimelc is the first Of February we know from Peter O’Connell’s Dictionary, where oimelc is identified with Féil Brighde (St. Brigit’s feast day), which has been, and is still, the Irish name for the first of February all through Ireland, the old Pagan name oimelc being obsolete for centuries.”
In Ireland today, the Sabbat is still called Fhéile Bríde and the sacred flame has been reestablished. In 1993, Sister Mary Teresa Cullen re-lit St. Brigid's flame in Kildare, Ireland Sister Mary Minehan moved to Kildare and set up Solas Bhride, a Christian Community Centre for Celtic Spirituality in the spirit of Brigid of Kildare. There is a festival, Feile Bhride, held in Kildare around Imbolc each year. This year's festival is only a few days away. You can find information here: Feile Bride – Light: A New Awakening – January 30th – February 8th, 2015.

Many of you have read my article in Circle Magazine about my trip to Ireland to see Brigid's Holy Well in Kildare where I was fortunate enough to meet Sister Mary. What these Brigidine nuns have done is nothing short of miraculous. In 1997, I lit my candle from a tiny flame in Sister Mary's living-room and now they have grown to a large conference center with all sorts of opportunities to study and honor Brigid. 

 The official 0pening of the new Solas Bhride Spirituality Centre and Hermitages, which is located on Tully Road, Kildare, Ireland will take place at 2.30 p.m. on January 30, 2015. Eimear Quinn an international vocalist ,will cut the opening ribbon. .Bishop Denis Nulty, Bishop of Kildare & Leighlin, will bless the center. The ribbon cutting ceremony will be followed by music, dance and song to mark the special occasion.

Tuesday, May 20, 2014

What is Wicca today?

There is much disagreement and controversy revolving around WHAT Wicca is today. Pagans I meet are telling me, "Well, I am Pagan, but I am not too crazy about those Wiccans." We seem to be viewed as the stuck-up older sisters and brothers of today's "new" Pagans. The entire problem seems to center around the idea of hierarchy. 

I was first initiated into a very egalitarian Starhawk-oriented coven. This was long before the "Reclaiming Tradition" was ever named.  Then I was initiated into a so-called Gardnerian coven of what I still feel is a dubious nature. They said they were Gardnerian. I'm not too sure they weren't Alexandrian or a mish-mash of both and none of it too solid. The High Priestess disappeared and I never heard from her again after my Second Degree Initiation. I found that I liked the first coven--wide-open, liberal left as they come, insistently sexual and skyclad as they were--a lot better than the stuck-up Gardnerian group with their $100 dress-up robes.

I can hear you thinking., "What's this she's saying? I thought she operated her own group according to the degree system? Huh? How does this make sense?" Well, sometimes I am a mass of contradictions. Common sense is a path of moderation between too extremes. Everything in moderation, even moderation.

One of the biggest problem we have in Wicca today is that we are tied to our traditions instead of enhanced and enlightened by them. We are afraid to change, but if we don't change, we will wither and die like any other organism in a static state. Growth means change and evolution. But how fast do we change? What do we change? Why? How? These are the questions that many do not take the time to ask themselves. "This is the way we have always done it," is the lament you hear when the dedicants ask, "Why?" Is that a good enough reason? What do YOU think?l

I have found myself staying away from the Pagan community at times. All of the bickering, disagreement and back-biting has led me to wonder about our entire path from time to time. Of course, I mostly seem to have these problems with Pagans who aren't all that crazy about Wiccans. I sometimes wonder if we even belong in the same category with the other Pagans. We're not better, just different, in so many ways. What has been your experience with the greater Pagan community if you define yourself as mostly Wiccan in your orientation? What are the differences as you see them?

PLEASE post comments here. I hope to generate a good discussion of the differences between the Wiccan path and other Pagan paths after you read this introduction into this topic. 

Getting Started: Welcome to Crystal Visions Celtic Wicca

The first two posts in this blog/class will address the questions who and what. "Who is Lady Branwenn WhiteRaven?" and "What is Crystal Visions Celtic Wicca?" The next few posts will deal with when, where, why, and how. "The Charge of the Goddess"  will  also offer subtle answers to some of these questions. As I teach, I will seek to combine all of the three main elements of CVCW together into a (we hope) coherent whole.

These elements are the THREE main sources that I combine to create Crystal Visions Celtic Wicca:

  1. Basic Neo-Pagan Wiccan History and Thought
  2. Celticism from all of the countries included in the idea of Pan Celticism and the mythology of several western European Pagan traditions
  3. Joseph Campbell, Carl Jung, and other authors, philosophers and psychologists
Each lesson will combine one part of each into a finished product. I WANT you, the student/reader, to spell-check me, grammar-check me and content-check me. COMMENTS are welcome! I want to hear what you have to say about this "Great Work." (See Aleister Crowley for more information on the idea of the "great Work." )

Monday, November 5, 2007

The Witches pyramid/ "The Four laws of the Magus,"

This is a fabulous principle-good, sound advice if nothing else-that you don't hear much about lately. It seems to have gone "out of fashion." The old teachings are fading away and this is not good. This "new" Wicca is an eclectic mish-mash of stuff taken from anyone and everywhere. I can be accused of it myself at times to be brutally honest. YOU MUST LEARN TO READ WITH A CRITICAL EYE. I recently reconnected with the idea of the Witches Pyramid-excellent! Tell me what you think.

The Witches' Pyramid
also known as the 4 Powers of the Magus
To know, to dare, to will, to be silent.

The Witches pyramid, also called "The Four Laws or Powers of the Magus," is very old. It is ceremonial magick, but of great value to Witches, too. I suggest making special note of these four building blocks of Wicca. The Four Laws are matched to the Elements and give good advice to any Witch.

To Know (Air)
To know means to study and learn everything you can about magick and the way it can be used. As a Witch, you must know what you are doing when it comes to magick. It is a big responsibility for all Witches. Many times spells backfire because the Witch did not do her/his homework. These lessons will guide you in the right direction for a beginner/First Degree-Priest/Priestess, but you still must also read as many books as you can, do research at a library and/or on the Internet, and ask other EXPERIENCED Witch's opinions. Continue to do this for the rest of your life!

To Dare (Water)
As a Witch you must dare to practice what you have learned.

To Will (Fire)
Once you have decided to practice magick, you must be strong enough to will the manifestation (to make the spell come true). The fear of failure or of a spell backfiring is always there, creeping into the apprentice's mind, or the fear of not being strong enough to carry a spell. "What if nothing happens?" If you have read Wicca 101 books, they allow readers to practice simple magick. Build your confidence by doing simple magickal works first. Try candle magick and gem magick. These are the easiest to perform and excellent for beginners. Start performing magick for yourself. As you gain more confidence in your own magickal abilities, you can move on to perform more complex spells adding your own flair to them, your own traditions, as you go.
(IF you perform magick or affirmations for someone or send energy to someone or something, Always ASK their permission! I shouldn't have to say this, but I do. ALWAYS ASK! Also, always include the words "harming none" in EVERY work you do. Use common sense.  Don't try to MAKE someone specific fall in love with you, instead ask that true love that is good for you and makes your life a better place enter your life according to the free will of all, harming none.)

Everyone makes mistakes, even though we do our best to avoid them. This is normal; do not torture yourself if one of your spells goes wrong. A wise Witch will record everything in her/his Book Of Shadows. Then he/she will re-read what happened carefully looking for any problems. Also-Who says rites have to be big and flamboyant? Do you really think the Goddess will look down her nose at you if your rite is small and simple? I do not always have the time or find myself in the right place to perform a full ritual, so I keep them simple. KISS

To Keep Silent (Earth)
Witches must keep quiet about the work they are doing. Every time Witches talk about their magickal work, part of the energy is given away. Also, the Witch may be telling someone who, for whatever reason, does not want the Witch to succeed. That person, knowing what is being done, can counteract the results. This is not a usual occurrence, but it can and does happen. In silence there is knowledge. You are the master of your thoughts, but a slave of what you say.

This, above, is a conglomeration of my writing and the thoughts of others on several web pages I browsed recently. These four principles are as old as the Wiccan Rede--maybe older--and we need to remember these basics and fundamentals before we try to do any magic at all.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

MY Wiccan Lineage-Branwenn WhiteRaven

Everyone always asks--where did you learn Wicca? Who were your mentors?  Who taught you?

I am a product of a basic British Traditionalist Wiccan Lineage ending with Vivianne (and Chris) Crowley who have been my biggest influences over the years. Add to that the amazing psychologist Carl Jung and my hero, Joseph Campbell, and then add any from the listings below as my mentors, teachers, influences and initiators--

Mary Etta (Molly) West-Anderson,  my Cherokee great-grandmother who taught me to love herbs and healing ways.

Florence Irene Mullan Powell, my Irish Grandmother, who taught me to respect and love the little people/the fairies, to be proud of my Irish heritage, and the incredible magick of being a "simple kitchen witch."

Selena Fox, my first teacher (by phone-LOL:) in 1982  and Diana Paxton--her novel White Raven inspired both my Craft names

John, my first husband, who opened me up to novels by Marion Zimmer Bradley and Robert Heinlein and was Pagan at heart even though he never realized that his Pagan name was Sean.

Kevin, my first gay male friend, who taught me to envision a shower of white healing light surrounding my patients at Providence Health Care Center where I spent several years a Social Worker and Activities Coordinator.

DeWayne, my Tibetan Buddhist roommate and friend, who opened my eyes to other cultures and ways of life

Dr. James Flannick, Psychologist, who talked me into going back to school to start my Master's Degree in Clinical Psychology

Bran, my second husband, who started off with me on the journey, but I somehow lost him along the way

Larry Cornett and the Vision Weavers coven from Northern Virginia

Patrick Maritz-now deceased-my dearest friend and mentor and Jenny, his mentor

Ric Campbell, my dear friend and coven shaman-brother

Shireonay--my first Wiccan magickal partner and my first Pan-also now deceased

Myth, dear sister and Vickie, my first HPS

Frater Steven-my Ceremonial magickian friend-who introduced me to Sacred Sex and helped me found my first coven which he HPed until he moved on.

Paul Hume-campmaster of the William Blake camp of the OTO who made "the BEAST" a little less beastly for me :)

Thaddeus Venar /Gaffer who taught me the Greenleaf healing tradition

The other Founding Members of the Church of the Olde Religion (COR) and Morgan ap Tairn, my friend and brother

Elspeth and Nybor from Haven

Gavin and Yvonne Frost

Chief of the Free Cherokee-Wohali Agvnige

Lady Morgaine-(supposedly initiated by Vivienne Crowley) who assisted in my Second Degree Initiation

Lady Breid Starsong-Gardnerian HPS who gave me my Second Degree Initiation

Lord Sagebrusher-who shared my Third Degree Initiation-my first soul mate.

The members-official and unofficial-of the first Crystal Visions coven-Lori, Donny, Steve, Chris, Kat, Randy, Chris, Brandon, Rob, Beth, Steve, Jen, Susan, Morgan, CC, Joy, Gaffer, Russell, all the many others who touched my life at that incredible, magickal time

Crystal Dragon-Fire Coven-Lord StormDragon, Bob, CC, Claire, Ed, Goia, and many others-a short, but very educational experience

Ariana Lightningstorm and the members of KIVA-present and past

Snehan Farish and The Eclectic Pagan Wiccan Fellowship in Charlottesville, VA (EWPF) and all of the members from year's past

My third family and third coven-unofficially-never did we actually CALL it a coven-comprised MOSTLY of the founding members of the Blue Ridge Pagan Alliance-Brother York, Quark, Lord Emrys, Lady Joyannah, Lady Serafina, Lord Red Dragon, Lord Dragon of Ember, Kushiel, Ed, Steve, many others

Mark, my third husband from Scotland, who kept me in Scotland and Ireland just long enough for me to never want to leave...

My husband, magickal partner, second and last soul mate, life partner, and the TRUE LOVE that I have been searching for all my life--Jamey

More as I remember 21+ years of Pagan studies-1982-2003-with countless Pagan influences before that--Robert Heinlein's novels, Marion Zimmer Bradley's novels, Whitley Strieber's novel Cat Magic, Morgan Llewellyn's novels, Mary Stewarts's novels, Diana Paxton's novels, many, many more

And finally, although they may not be happy to know it, my Mom and Dad, who adopted me and loved me more than any other parents could have, encouraged me to think for myself, to get a good education, and to stand up for truth and for what I believe in and hold close to my heart

A special thank-you to my "biological mother", Lydia (Grim)Thomas, who had the wisdom to give me to loving parents and name me Hope May before she passed me on to them--You may have thought then that "Hope May"--but I can assure you that Hope most certainly did become all and more that you may have dreamed...it is still not too late to find out...

Friday, October 12, 2007

Overview of Basic Candle Magick: Class # 5 ; Intro to Crystal Visions Celtic Wicca 1o1

This class was taken from a wonderful page about Candle Magick.

I don't know Joelle personally, but from what I have read of her web site, it looks like incredibly good reading and very educational. I heartily recommend that you read any or all of the items on her extensive site.

(material below drawn from many sources)

Early candles were made of vegetable waxes produced from plants such as bayberries, candelilla leaves, candletree bark, esparto grass, and various varieties of palm leaves such as carnuba and ouricury. They were also made of animal tissue and secretions, such as spermaceti (whale oil), ambergris, and beeswax (insect secretions). Sometimes entire animals such as the stormy petrel and the candlefish of the Pacific Northwest were threaded with a wick and burned as candles. Tallow candles were made of sheep, cow, or pig fat. All these candles were rather crude, time-consuming to make and smoky.

Of the two kinds of candle fuel, beeswax was considered the better since it burned cleaner than tallow and had a lovely odor compared to tallow's rancid, smoky smell. Being scarce, beeswax was expensive. Only churches and the wealthy could afford beeswax candles.

By the 17th century, European state edicts controlled the weight, size and cost of candles. In 1709, an act of the English Parliament banned the making of candles at home unless a license was purchased and a tax paid.

Matches were invented in 1827, using poisonous phosphorus but were improved by the end of the century, eliminating the need for sparking with flint, steel, and tinder, or for keeping a fire burning 24 hours a day.

Probably most important of all, Paraffin was refined from oil around 1850, making petroleum based candles possible. The combination of paraffin, which burns clean and without odor, and stearins, which harden soft paraffin, with new wick technologies developed in the nineteenth century, revolutionized the candle industry, giving us the tools and materials we still use for candle manufacturing.

Candle Shapes

Container: Any candle that is poured into a container and intended to be burned in the container is a container candle. These candles are often made of soft wax and would not be able to stand on their own outside their enclosures.

The container also prevents soft wax from dripping. Since these candles are safely contained in a vessel, they are often used in restaurants and in religious rituals that require long-burning candles.

Pillar: A thick candle with a geometrical cross section such as a circle, oval, or hexagon is called a pillar. It is usually referred to by its diameter followed by its height. For example, a 3-by 6-inch pillar would be 3 inches in diameter and 6 inches high. Some pillars come in standard sized for commercial and religious use but you can make many variations of pillars by using molds.

Novelty: These are irregularly shaped candles made by molding, sculpting and/or pouring.

Taper: These are the long cylindrical candles that kindle memories of historic candle-dipping. Tapers can be made by dipping wicks into melted wax, by pouring wax into a mold, and by rolling wax around a wick. No matter the method, the result is always candles made to fit into a holder.

Tapers are generally made 1/2 inch or 7/8 inch in diameter at the base because most holders are designed to fit these two sizes. There are, of course, exceptions, such as birthday candles (3/16 inch) and Danish tapers (1/4 inch). Some specialty candleholders are designed to hold a taper larger than 7/8 inch.

Votive and Tea Lights: Although these candles originated in the church, the term now refers to small plug-type candles that are 1 1/2 inches in diameter by 2 to 3 inches high. This shape has become popular for scented candles because their small size allows them to fit easily into small rooms, such as bathrooms.

As votives melt and become liquid in their containers, the wick uses up all the liquid fuel. If you burn a votive on a plate, the burn time will be shorter because the wax will drip and the wick will be unable to use it.

Tea lights are small votives used to warm pots of potpourri and to heat foods. They fit in smaller-than-standard votive cups.


WHITE: --Self; Protection; Purification; Full Moon Magic; Purity; Innocence; Centering; Truth; Sincerity; Meditation; Peace; Power of a Higher Nature; Greater Attainments in Life; Spirituality.

RED: -- South; Protection; Strength; Blood; Passion; Courage; Health; Power; Fire Elemental; Sexuality; Vigor; Energy; Enthusiasm; Will Power; To conquer fear or laziness.

LT. BLUE: --Healing; Patience; Happiness; Psychic Awareness; Quests; Intuition; Opportunity; Tranquility; Understanding. Ward Depression; Safe Journey; Harmony in the Home; Peace.

DARK BLUE: --The Goddess; West; Water Elemental; Inspiration; Truth; Dreams; Protection; Change; Impulse; Fidelity; Deep Emotion; Peace; Meditation; Changeability; Psychism.

GREEN: --North; Money; Fertility; Growth; Employment; Earth Elemental; Herb Magic; Luck; Healing; Balance; Prosperity; Courage; Nature type Faerie-magic; Garden blessing; Abundance; Generosity; Renewal; Marriage.

YELLOW: --East; Air Elemental; Intellect; Creative Work; Learning; Changes; Confidence; Attraction; Harmony; Clairvoyance; Charm; Imagination; Power of the Mind; Gentle persuasion; Action.

BROWN: --Earth Elemental; Animal Health; Endurance; Steadiness; Houses & Homes; Physical Objects; Overcoming uncertainty and hesitancy; Attract Money and Financial Success; Concentration; ESP; Intuition; Study.

PINK: --Love; Peace; Femininity; Friendship; Honor; Morality; Emotional Love; Affection; Romance; Spiritual Awakening; Healing of the Spirit; Togetherness.

ORANGE: --The God; Attraction; Stimulation; Energy; Healing; Vitality; Encouragement; Adaptability; Luck; Pulling things to you; Clearing the Mind; Dominance, Sudden Changes; Change Luck.

PURPLE: --Power; Dignity; Spiritual Development; Meditation, Spirituality; Intuition; Ambition; Spirit Communication; Tension; Business Progress; Healing Severe Diseases; Occult Wisdom; Success; Idealism; Higher Psychic Ability; Break Bad Luck; Drive Away Evil; Honors.

GOLD: --The God; Solar Energy; Physical Strength; Power; Success; Mental Growth; Skill Sought; Healing Energy; Fortune; Divination; Creative Work; Intuition; Money; Fast Luck; Attracts Higher Influences.

SILVER: --The Goddess; Lunar magic; Removes negative forces; Opens astral gates; Conducts Energy; Meditation; Creative Work; Protection; Money; Psychic Development; Success; Balance; Ward Negativity; Remove Negative Energy; Stability; Victory.

VIOLET: --Self Improvement; Intuition; Success in searches; Creative Work.

BLACK: --Endings; Closing of Doors; Psychic Work; Death; Ward Negativity; Remove Hexes; Protection; Spirit Contact; Truth; Remove Discord or Confusion; Reversing; Releasing; Repel Dark Magic and Negative Thought Forms.

GREENISH-YELLOW: --To Negate; Discord, Sickness, Anger, Jealousy, Cowardice, Anger.

INDIGO:--Meditation; Spirit Communication; Karma Working; Balance; Learn the Ancient Wisdom; Neutralize Another's Magic; Ward Slander, Lies or Undesirable Competition

GRAY: --Non-Nature Faerie Magic; Travel to Otherworld; Vision Quests; Veiling; Cancellation; Hesitation; Competition.

LAVENDER--Spiritual Development; Psychic Growth; Divination; Sensitivity to the Otherworld; Blessings.

MAGENTA: --Very High Vibrational Frequency that tends to work fast so usually burned with other candles; Quick Change; Spiritual Healing, Exorcism.


Candle magic can be quite a complicated procedure, but these steps should help make it a little easier.

  1. Pick a specific purpose for your ritual.  Do not chose more than one purpose.  Keep it simple and to the point and you will have the best luck.
  2. Check the sun sign, moon sign and astrological sign that the moon is in to help determine what rituals to do when.
  3. Choose an appropriate color: The color of the candle you use is your second concern. You must correlate the color with the goal you have in mind. (See the list of candle colors above for reference.) 
  4. Cleanse the candle: Now that you've chosen the appropriate color of candle, your next task is to remove energies infused into the candle during the manufacturing process (Unless you made the candle yourself with a particular goal in mind).
  5. Saturate a tissue with rubbing alcohol and, holding the candle in your hand, cleanse its surface, moving from bottom to top. This expels energy from the candle (If you are working with a glass encased candle, clean the exposed wax and the glass with the alcohols.  It always helps to repeat a cleansing chant while you are doing this.  I like the, "I walk in beauty; beauty fills my life" chant for many cleansings.
  6. Consecrate the candle: This is where you will dedicate the candle to your specific purpose:      Carve symbols into the candle: Take a sharp object (such as your working knife) and carve appropriate symbols into the side of the candle (or the top if glass-encased). If you are working toward prosperity, then a dollar sign may be appropriate or if the goal is romance, then a heart would work. Astrological signs, runes, element signs, or personal signs may also be used. Think intensely of your goal while you carve. Even better is to repeat a verbal formula, such as an incantation or affirmation.           
  7. Oil the candle: Most metaphysical stores carry a wide range of oils for sale, some pre-mixed for particular goals, choose one of these or mix your own. Dip your fingers into the oil and anoint the entire surface of the candle with it. If you want to attract good, oil the candle from the top to bottom. If you want to expel something from your life (such as a bad habit, illness, or an unwanted situation) oil the candle from bottom to top. If you can't decide which direction to oil from, try an alternative method; begin at the center of the candle and apply the oil upward toward the top, then from the center down. If working with a glass-encased candle, oil the exposed wax: clockwise (deosil) to draw good, counter-clockwise (widdershins) to expel negativity. It's important to use a verbal formula, a chant or affirmation, while you oil the candle, for this focuses your mind on the work at hand.
  8. Spray, sprinkle, or anoint the candle with water. Purchase a water (such as Prosperity, Love, Success or Healing Water) from a metaphysical store, and pour some into an atomizer or plant mister. Spray the entire surface of the candle as you repeat your affirmation or incantation. If you don't have an atomizer or plant mister, simply sprinkle the candle, or dip your fingers in the water and anoint the candle as you would with oil. You can make your own ritual waters too.  We will discuss this in a later class.
  9. A cleansed and consecrated candle should be used for one purpose only. If you prepare a candle for prosperity purposes, don't use it for anything else. You should decide how often and for how long a time you are going to burn your candle. Choose your candle size according to your purpose. If your goal is very important, you may wish to burn your candle every day for several days; this means you must use a very large candle. An alternative is to use several smaller candles and burn one each day. If you choose to use smaller candles remember to cleanse and consecrate each one before use.
  10. Remember to respect FIRE (It is one of the magickal elements!) and to practice your candle magick SAFELY,  I cannot stress this enough.  I have had a few wonderfully successful rituals using fire inside my home that almost got away from me. How successful would they have been if they would have burned my house down?  BE SAFE!
  11. And, as always--remember the Wiccan Rede in every act of magick you perform, no matter how large or small.  "An that it harm none; do as you will."  It is very hard to do anything without causing some harm to someone or thing.  Keep this always in mind, as well as the law of return, when you do anything in your Wiccan practices. 
  12. Blessed BE!!