Wednesday, October 10, 2007

Class # 4; Intro to Crystal Visions Celtic Wicca 101


Item           Element      Direction   Purpose

Athame     Air              East             Definition, delineating, altar tool of the air element

Bell            Air              East             Change, summoning.
Sword       Air              East             Truth, delineating, circle casting

Candle      Fire            South           Illumination, altar tool of the fire element

Stang        Fire            South           A forked staff symbolic of the Horned god

Wand        Fire            South           Intent/focus, altar tool of the fire element

Cauldron Water         West             Potential, void, magical crucible for potions

Chalice    Water         West            Healing/libations, altar tool of the water element

Shell        Water          West            Holding incense, smudge, candles or water. Sacred to the Goddess

Pentacle   Earth         North           Protection, altar tool of the earth element

Salt           Earth          North           Cleansing/protection

Crystal     Earth          North           Representation of Earth on Altar

Holey stone Earth      North          Protection, good luck, goddess blessing-Union of God and Goddess with phallic crystal

Herbs          Various Various        Invocation, empathic magic, cleansing, divination

Familiar Astral/earthly Various   Protection, ally, shamanic power animal, guide

Broomstick                                     Cleansing, banishing, protection, astral travel

Book of Shadows                          A Witch's personal record of his/her experiences

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